Precision Edge Sockets & Switches

Precision Edge Range

Click on a finish below to see the full range of sockets and switches available in that finish with prices.

Polished Chrome Precision Edge Sockets & Switches
View Polished Chrome Range & Prices
Brushed Chrome Precision Edge Sockets & Switches
View Brushed Chrome Range & Prices

Precision Edge is the latest addition within our  Contemporary range. This is fantastic value and is one of our most exciting new  designer ranges of semi-flat plate or semi-raised sockets and switches.  Precision Edge is available with a Twin Socket that includes USBs and is sure  to be one of our most popular ranges.

Finished in the following two finishes, Precision Edge is  one of our most modern plates – Brushed Chrome with Black Trim and Polished  Chrome with White Trim.

Precision Edge differs from any other range we offer in that  it has the silver grey trim that frames the plate similar to the iPhone. The  plate sits flush into the frame and this gives this range a distinct modern and  urban feel to its design.

We have supplied these switches and sockets to almost every  type of interior design project you can think of from the Finest Hotels, Listed  Buildings, Modern Loft Apartments to Barn Conversions and smart Office  Complexes.

This range includes the highest quality electrical switches  on the market today and these switches come with a 15 year guarantee against  mechanical and electrical failure to give you the confidence that these  switches will last the test of time.

If you need a top quality product with subtle clean lines  and an unobtrusively designed plate, the Precesion Edge range of Electrical  Accessories is the range for you.

As you will see we offer a comprehensive range of products in each range for you to choose from, however should you require an item not shown or a bespoke item, please check availability by giving us a call on 01926 289 289.

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Sockets & Switches, Unit A5, Quarry Park, Old Milverton Lane, Blackdown, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, CV32 6RW  |